Healthy Students Learn Better at
Dale Junior High School
Health Office Information:
Office Phone: (714) 220-4059
Text Messages Only: (657) 206-7526
Fax: (714) 220-4076
Calli Henderson
Health Technician
The Health Office staff at Dale Junior High School is here to advocate for health.
We believe healthy students learn better and we can often assist with accessing health care.
Per OC and California Department of Public Health all students are required to be fully up to date on all their immunizations by the first day of school, there will be no exceptions made to this. If you cannot get into your regular Doctor in time please see the section at the bottom of this page titled "Resources" for a list of nearby clinics. If you have been contacted regarding missing immunizations, please review your student’s immunization page on Aeries, any box highlighted in red means we have not received proof that your student has received this vaccine. Please keep in mind that as of the 2022-2023 school year, the Covid-19 Vaccine is NOT currently required to attend school. Should any changes be made to State Immunization Laws all parents will be contacted.

How To Turn In Immunizations:
Option 1: Email- pictures/copies can be emailed directly to the Health Office at Please be sure that your student’s name and birth date are in the photos, as well as sending pictures of the front and back. Keep in mind that the Health Office is closed for the summer break but emails will be reviewed before registration in.
Option 2: Text message- pictures can be sent to 657-206-7526. Please be sure to include your student's first and last name, date of birth, and the front and back side of the immunization record.
Option 3: Fax- copies can be faxed to 714-220-4076 Attn: Health Office. Please be sure that your student’s name and birth date are visible on all copies sent, and that you send the front and back. Keep in mind that the Health Office is closed for the summer break but faxes will be reviewed before registration in July.
Option 4: Mail: you can send copies directly to campus at:
Dale Junior High School
Attn: Health Office
900 S Dale Ave
Anaheim, CA 92804
Other Forms We May Need
Asthma: please have your Doctor fill out a Medication Administration Form before bringing your student's medications on campus. Even if they will be carrying it in their backpack, we must have this form filled out and signed by a Doctor before that is allowed. See Resources box below for form.
Life Threatening Illnesses:
Please let the Health Office know if your child has a life threatening illness such as diabetes, seizure disorders, or severe allergies (Bees/Food/Medication). We need to be prepared to provide safe care for your child. Please contact the Health Office so we can send you the specific forms we will need.
To enable us to provide safe care for your child at school, please submit the required, completed form(s):
Diabetes: Diabetic orders for school must be updated every year at the beginning of the school year
Seizures: Medication Administration forms for Emergencies and Disasters
Allergies: Medications Administration forms for all medications indicated for allergy treatment, Special Meal Request form
Note: If you would like your student to carry their own Epi-pen/Antihistamine, your Health Care Provider must initial the Medication Administration form in designated area.
About Us
Dale Junior High School is staffed daily with a Health Technician, trained in first aid and CPR, who is on campus from 7:30 am – 4:00 pm daily. The primary role of the Health Technician is to provide basic first aid for unexpected injuries, to assist with medications when it is determined they must be given at school; and to maintain health records on all students enrolled. The School Nurse is a separate position, and oversees health services at several school sites in the AUHSD, therefore is not always on campus and is able to be reached by cell phone during school hours.
Health Office Visits
Except in the case of an emergency, all students must have a pass from their teacher to visit the Health Office, walk-in's during passing period will be returned to class for a pass. The goal of the Health Office is to determine if what the student is complaining of is an emergency, and if it is not, managing the issue in such a way as to minimize lost class room time. The majority of Health Office visits are not an emergency, and quite often are preventable. Therefore we try to educate the student on how to prevent the issue in the future, and address it in the moment so that they can return to class. Communication with the Health Office is very important, if there are any medical concerns you have about your student or any questions, please do not hesitate to call.
Going Home: When it is determined that the student is too sick to be at school the Primary Phone number will be called first for pick up. No student will be allowed to leave with another person (even a relative) unless that person is listed as an emergency contact if the parent/guardian cannot be reached first. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to keep their emergency contact information current. If you are picking up your student early for any appointments please call the Attendance Office as early as possible to schedule the pick up time.
All medications should be dropped off by an adult, they should be in their original packaging, and include the prescription on it. All forms should be taken directly to the Health Office. If more than one medication is necessary, each medication needs its own form. The Medication Administration Form can be found in the Resource box below. Please be aware that student's may not have any medications in their backpacks without having a Medication Administration Form on file in the Health Office, examples: no ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Tylenol, Midol, Claritin, Aleeve, etc. Any medications found will be held in the Health Office or with Admin until a parent/guardian can come pick them up.
*** By law, the school cannot administer any medication, including over the counter medication, or treatment without parent permission AND a physician's order.*** If your student requires a medication and we do not have the form allowing us to give it to them, the Parent/Guardian must make arrangements for themselves or another adult to come to school and give the medication at it's directed time.
*Please be aware that each school year requires a new Medication Administration form.
In compliance with Ed. Code Section 49423, no medication will be accepted or administered at school without all of the following conditions being met:
1. A written statement signed by the licensed authorized health care provider/dentist specifying the reason for the medication, the name, dosage, time, route, side effect; and specific instructions for emergency treatment must be on file at school.
2. A signed request from the parent/guardian must be on file at school.
3. Medication must be delivered to the school by the parent/guardian or other responsible adult.
4. Medication must be in your child's original, labeled pharmacy container written in English.
5. All liquid medication must be accompanied by an appropriate measuring device.
6. If pill splitting is required to obtain the correct dose of medication to be administered, only pills that are scored may be split, scored pills may be split in half only, and a commercial pill splitting device should be used for correct splitting.
7. Over the counter medication that has been prescribed by an authorized health care provider must be in its original container.
8. A separate form is required for each medication.